Sunday, January 02, 2005

Changing features and backgrounds

Whew I doubt any of my zero loyal readership has noticed, but I've been messing with links and features.

I've added a trackback feature and eased the comment section by going with HALOSCAN
which is providing free commenting and trackbacking. Its really cool, because the commenting opens in a new window, and its easier than hell to comment now (you can comment anonymously now, and add your own name - and they have an automated "system" for commenting via

I've gone with two different site counters: SiteMeter and StatCounter. I originally went with statcounter, and it seemed to work very well, but when poking around and I found NZ Bear's "Truth laid Bear" blog, I discovered that in order to be an an ecosystem and to get visiting statistics, I need to be with sitemeter, which also works well.

Not to mention I've been with blogrolling for a while (for reciprocal blog links). I just wish I would get more readership, and some possible commenters =-(

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