Sunday, January 02, 2005

Fake Pictures?

Apparently I recently discovered that one of the blogs on my blogroll might have fake pictures posted of the blogger. Hot Abercrombie Chick might have stolen "her" pictures from somewhere else: mustang_girl_marie

I considered the fact that the yahoo! "mustang_girl_marie" could have stolen "her" pictures from the blogger in question, but there are a good deal more pictures on "her" photos page at Yahoo! than "Amanda Doerty" has on her weblog.

I have yet to see a webcam or such to prove anything, so who knows?

Update 1:
For more information on Amanda Doerty's pictures heres the link to "her" pictures:
Hot Abercrombie Chick

Update 2: Welcome to new viewers, please feel free to stay and check out the rest of my weblog, By the way, I'm not the first person to notice this about HAC. Check out the update in my post here

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