Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Katrina tops Bush

Report: 400,000 jobs lost to Katrina

Hurricane Katrina did what Dubya could never do, "The economic impact from Hurricane Katrina will wipe out 400,000 jobs, cost consumers 40 percent more for gasoline this month and slash previous estimates for growth this year" according to the post-gazette.

All satire aside, in the same story :
"FEMA, which has been spending $2 billion a day, will give $2,000 debit cards to stranded evacuees without insurance or any means of survival, such as those in the Houston Astrodome and other shelters. Bolton estimated as many as one million people may get the cards."
I wonder if they are going to buy big screen televisions with these friggin cards. It should have "FOOD AND NECESSITIES" stamped all over it to make sure they aren't misused. And people wonder why oftentimes we don't give money straight to bums on the street? Damn booze-hounds.

And interestingly, in the same story, the CBO report actually stated there would be more jobs lost than it seems, but there would be jobs created due to the reconstruction efforts:
It said the job loss would have been higher -- as many as 729,900 people no longer are working because of storm damage -- save for the eventual new construction, which will boost the need for construction workers and a range of goods and services, from plywood and concrete to engineering and finance, that will accompany the effort.

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